B I R M I N G H A M   A R T   M U S I C   A L L I A N C E
2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0   C o n c e r t   S e r i e s


I N T E R   V I V O S
Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 7:30PM
University of Alabama at Birmingham - Hulsey Recital Hall
INTER VIVOS, meaning �between living persons,� captures the spirit of this program of duets and collaborations between living composers and performers. Birmingham musical heavyweights Daniel Szasz and Anthony Pattin will perform Ed Robertson�s compelling violin and piano duo Saints Fantasy. Birmingham�s favorite musical father and son team Lester and Daniel Seigel will present Dorothy Hindman�s �aria without an opera�: Is this then a touch?, an emotional setting of Walt Whitman for baritone and piano. Bryan Page offers up his provocatively titled Misogyny Songs, featuring Dewin Tibbs, baritone, Allen Barlow, electric guitar, Steven Lamphear, electric bass, and Harry Miree, trap set. For the technologically minded, Charles Norman Mason will present his collaboration with New York video artist Sheri Wills Flutter Arrhythmia, exploring the tension between nature and the mechanical. In collaborations between composers and performers, William Price offers another dramatic entry in his Sans Titre series, featuring the talents of Gene Fambrough on marimba. Cello pioneer Craig Hultgren will present Gianluca Verlingieri's imaginActions for cello solo, and Fambrough and Hultgren will perform together on Josh Crowe�s duet Off-White for marimba and cello. Local contemporary piano specialist Adam Bowles will present his curated selections from Czech composer Jan Vicar�s Phantasms/Preludes.


W I N D   C H I L L
Monday, November 16, 2009 at 7:30 PM
University of Montevallo
Davis Music Building - LeBaron Recital Hall
Chill with BAMA as they showcase brand new chamber works with a focus on winds and brass, written and performed by local composers. It promises to be a memorable evening of premieres, with a wide range of styles of the freshest music, and something to please every taste. Music by Michael Angell, Don Bowyer, Michael Coleman, Alan Goldspiel, Joseph Landers, Lori Neprud-Ardovino, and Ed Robertson.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 7:30PM
Birmingham-Southern College - Hill Recital Hall
BAMA�s latest works explore different geographies and mindsets, taking inspiration from nature and exotic locales. Monroe Golden�s Pinhoti takes its name from a hiking trail that traverses northeastern Alabama. Craig Hultgren will premiere the work for cello and soundfile. La chose verte, translates to The Green Thing, sonically captured in Brian Moon�s macabre dance for violin and piano. Matthew Scott Phillip�s piano trio Morning evokes the quiet interior reflection of the early hours. Pianist Adam Bowles will be joined by Julia Sakharova on violin and Craig Hultgren on cello. Charles Norman Mason weighs in with Sonora, named for the state located in Northwestern Mexico. A flute and guitar duo, with digital sound, the work was commissioned by the University of Illinois Experimental Studios and will be performed here by guitarist Paul Bowman and flutist Donnie Ashworth. To wind up the program of journeys, LaDonna Smith will present her free improvisation Rogatory, which means �requesting information." Smith will be joined by William Price on percussion.


K A R E N   B E N T L E Y   P O L L I C K
Solo Violin and Alternating Currents
Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 6:00PM
Birmingham Museum of Art - Steiner Auditorium
Karen Bentley Pollick will premiere new compositions for violin with electronics by four Alabama composers: In collaboration with video artist Sheri Wills, Charles Norman Mason's Metaman explores the concept of soloist as a visual and aural landscape. Dorothy Hindman fuses live and recorded materials of her earlier compositions composed for Pollick in Fantasia for Karen Alone. Capital Spheres by Michael Angell presents a musical city scape in counterpoint with the voice of the violin. A Girl and Her Dog by Brian Moon weaves samples of Pollick's hound dog Bobik with live violin. Other compositions on the concert include Sole Injection by Illinois composer Zack Browning, Impossible Animals by Californian David A. Jaffe, Vista by Washington composer Alex Shapiro and Solo Blues for Violin and Piano by New York based jazz pianist Dan Tepfer.


L I F E   L O V E   L O S S

Monday, April 12, 2010 at 7:30PM
Samford University - Brock Recital Hall

Explore the deeply personal and the wonder of the universal. Themes of new life, life's journey, and ultimate end are explored in new works by Craig Biondi, Joel Scott Davis, Monroe Golden, James Jensen, Cynthia Miller, and William Price. Performers include Donnie Ashworth, Adam Bowles, William Bugg, Leonard Candelaria, Grant Dalton, Jeffrey Flaniken, Kathryn Fouse, Craig Hultgren, Kristine Hurst-Wajszczuk, Laura Noah, Donald Sanders, and Janet Elizabeth Simpson.


Ticket Information:
Tickets can be purchased at the door beginning 30 minutes prior to the concert.
For all concerts, general admission is $6, and $3 for students with ID.
Students who attend the host school, college or university are admitted free.